Sunday, May 20, 2018

2018_05_18_MAY Hawaii Volcano Erupting - 2 Reasons Why

©May 2018 All Rights Reserved Ari Stone

Pre-sleep directive
Q2: Most important, want & need to know?

I was waiting in an outdoor garage breezeway for my Twin Flame, who was again appearing as my brother.

Just prior this I had called  a family meeting, where my brother and parents attended. My ‘brother’ didn’t want to do any of the things I had suggested.  But, mom and dad thought my ideas were good.   As I waited in the breezeway, I now heard Gorik go back in to talk with mom.  I overheard him being very snide rude about the meeting I had called earlier as he arrogantly stated, “Maybe we should call another meeting . . . and this time even invite Ari.”  He was talking about me, like I wasn’t wanted, welcome, or even invited before and had just showed up with all these ideas I was trying to stuff on everybody else and like no one had really wanted me there much less listen to what I had to say. 

However, as annoyed as he was, he was genuine about calling this second meeting because he wanted . . . or more accurately . . . needed . . . my input, opinion, and advice.  I wasn’t sure I wanted to go or attend another meeting with him.  He’d been rather rude and opposing during the first meeting and would put down basically anything I said and was very negative about my ideas in general.  But, now, he needed me and my advice.  I decided I’d see how his behaviors were when he approached me to ask me to the meeting. 

Suddenly, I was feeling very weird about waiting in the breezeway for Gorik, as he had been talking like I was a stalker.  So, I decided to go into the house alone, that I was originally planning to go in with him.

I found myself visiting Aunt Claire at the family vacation home.  I thought it was going to be empty and I’d be able to sort of think and regroup privately and go through my dream journals.  However, as I walked in through the front door a lot of my extended family was there, about eight to ten of them including close family friends. All sitting on a long approximately ten person length off-white cushy looking sofa, faced away from the door and with a lil walkway gap in the middle of it.  Everyone was seated and had just finished watching some news on the small flat screen TV in front of the sofa set on a modern darker wood stand.

I was wearing my same favorite thin blue hoodie that I’d worn to bed, with the hood up and over my head.  My hair was a mess and I had no makeup on.  I felt a lil silly being so schlocky, but figured ‘oh well, not like I’m here to go on a date or anything and they are just family.’   I semi-apologized saying I was sorry for just walking in on everybody and I didn’t know they would be there. 

My cousin, Roxanne, came over to me as I took down my hoody revealing my super messy hair.  We walked over toward the kitchen as she began to ask me if it was ok for the family to move back into this vacation home.  I said, “Of course, its your home anyways.” They owned it and let the rest of us use it as a vacation spot.  She continued, “because then it won’t be usable as a vacation home anymore.”  I again told her that was fine, as it was after all their home. 

She began to tell me more about why they wanted to move into the house because of how much better they liked the neighborhood, as it was so much safer. I saw images of the neighborhood as if looking at a large view screen and saw what reminded me of suburbia Roseville, CA , with very clean and wide streets lined with perfect spring green colored trees.  I responded, “Yeah, I can see why you’d want to move here.  It’s definitely safer.”  It felt they were moving from a more inner city type neighborhood.  Not too bad, but definitely didn’t want to leave the doors unlocked and theft seemed common.

My aunt added they were thinking to move in permanently and not use it just as a transition type home.  I put my hoody back over my head to cover my super messy hair and apologized for my appearance and said I’d have cleaned up better had I known they’d all be there.  Roxanne again reassured me it was ok.

I realize then, how can I be in Roseville in California, when I went to bed in Colorado. 

I told my Aunt Claire, “I think this may be a dream state experience.”  Meaning, I was either a ghost visiting them and they only thought I was actually there, or it was them meeting with me in this dream setting to tell me pertinent information about something.

Suddenly realized I might not know where “here” is, if this was a dream state.  So, I asked my Aunt, “Where is here? . . . Roseville, CA?”  She responded, “No, Hawaii.”  I said, “Whoa, ok, this definitely has got to be a dream state.” It seemed they’d all just finished listening to the latest Hawaii Eruption report on the flat screen TV.  Aunt Claire proceeded to talk about the volcano status saying, “It’s getting really bad.” and even that the volcano had destroyed the entire island.   I said, “Wait! What? When? How?!” I again commented, “I still don’t know if I’m in 3D right now or a dream state.”  Aunt Claire looked at me perplexed because she thought everything was a real 3D experience and setting.

I looked again at the sofa and it was now solid all the way across. I said, “I’m definitely in a dream state the sofa has no gap now!” Aunt Claire was starting to become a little aware now and curious, but still largely thinking everything ‘real’ as she stated, “The sofa has always been like this.” I then got to thinking and stated, “Maybe it’s one of those Mandela timeline shift things.”  But, I wasn’t convinced so I followed that up with, “Either way (just in case the event hasn’t happened yet), I need you to tell me everything you know about the volcano and why it destroyed the island (erupted). I need to know what the geologists, surveyors, or news reporters said and if they gave any reason why this thing blew up and if they said anything at any point in time like, “it blew up because of ‘this’ or ‘that’ and had we just known about ‘this’ and ‘done this’ it would have stopped it from destroying the island.” 

I asked for some paper and a clipboard of Aunt Claire so I could take note.  I mentioned, even though this is likely a dream state and I can’t take my notes back to 3D, that this would still help me with remembering upon waking, whole brain learning type stuff.  She understood. 

Aunt Claire made her way around to the backside of the sofa where I was standing with the clipboard and standard white printer paper clipped on it, along with a blue G2 pen, like I use to document my dreams.    We both sat on the floor Indian style together.

I looked at the blank pages in front of me and they suddenly began to fill up now with things that looked very musical-notes like. Dozens and dozens all over the page.  But, more like big Mickey Mouse black ears for notes and what looked like an outline of a dog kong toy to me.     I told her we have to hurry so I can use at least one sheet before they all fill up.  I knew for sure I was dreaming now as this was typical to when I tried to write in my dream journal in dreams. I always had trouble finding a blank journal to write in. 

Aunt Claire mused about this and lifted the one blank sheet I had left on top on the clipboard to look at the backside of it and I said, “Uh-oh, you prob shouldn’t have done that.” low and behold when she put the sheet down it too had filled up with the same musical notes and dog kong shapes, leaving one small space for me to write near the top right corner.  I said, “Go ahead and tell me what’s going on and I’ll write it before it all fills in!”

Aunt Claire began to speak, “It’s because of two reasons the volcano destroyed the island.”  It seemed it’d either sunk into the ocean or to about ¾ up the volcano mountain leaving just a ¼ peak tip sticking up above the ocean waters and nothing else. She continued, “Its because of the DNA of the people” I realized now who she was to me in 3D, “and because of the child sacrifices. They were screwing around with the DNA by doing that.  Had those not been done the island would not have been sunk into the ocean or been otherwise destroyed.”  This was basically the energetic result of those poor choices by the people and their DNA codes had then instituted the resultant downfall and destruction.  The child sacrifices opened up portals. 

I was looking over my sheets again and feeling like Tom Hanks with the tattoos on the face in Cloud Atlas and like the kid in 6th Sense as the person seeing the numbers, signs, shapes, and brings them back to the ‘real’ world for humanity to make different choices and thereby alter and change the outcome, destiny, and fate altogether. 

I then transitioned into another dream sequence.

In Waking 3D Life , I shared this dream with my respective “Aunt” knowing it was a message to her from herself on the other side.  I was informed that this was a walk into another timeline where an element was being pulled from that timeline and brought back into this timeline to create the optimal timeline and whereby the destruction seen there would not happen here, because of the gleaning of the message. The message is for the people here to keep doing what they are doing, waking up and handling those who have messed with the DNA and perform horrible things on children.  These positive acts to expose the bad acts of others prevent the resultant negative energies of destruction. 

This dream also coincides almost exactly with two image I sent to Sphere Being Alliance by email on November 20, 2017 that match (see below) Dr Michael Salla’s May 15, 2018 article image for the Volcano Eruption.  I came across the odd shaped rock first on one of my trail walks and felt I was to take a photo of it, so I did.  I later saw the Pandora song “Flashed Junk Mind” by Milky Chance that matched my highly unusual rock shape and that song image appears to be an inverse and mirrored version of the lava geothermal tubes and image.  

So, I will share now respectively my note with humanity on “How to Stay Safe.”  It is never about focusing on the negative or dwelling on the negative, It is always about focusing on what brings you joy, peace, love, and feelings of passion and the trajectory life path that takes you on.  

People ask all the time, “what can they do?” to make a difference. . . its as simple and complex as this: be happy . . .

The happier you are (joy), the more synchronicities you see.  (YouTube Milky Chance Song)   (May 15, 2018 - Dr Michael Salla Hawaii Volcano Article – note the 90% and 11:11 time.  Like a positive inverse 911)

How to stay safe . . . Be happy. . .

The choices made when happy, are different than those made when sad.  Think of it like a trajectory from a point. When you change the initial trajectory by one degree from the original path, in time, your new trajectory takes you very far from where you would have ended up originally. Agreed?

Thereby, changing little choices in a day changes your day and ultimately your entire life trajectory. 

Stopping to notice and smell a flower, because it brings you joy,  just may ultimately save your life because in that moment you've moved one degree. 

So, ask yourself in each moment and with each choice you make:

"Does this choice bring me joy?"

You'll know by your body response. . . Do you light up and feel alive and full of energy (joy), or do you feel a sinking energy drop and super tired (sad). 

Paths chosen each moment in joy follow a different trajectory than those chosen in sadness.

This is why it is so important to "follow your bliss."  Where do you feel bliss? What activities in your day bring you feelings of bliss? Do you know what it means to feel bliss? Have you felt bliss before? How did you recognize it?

When I protect others in dreams, it is Love (joy/bliss) that wells up inside of me and emanates out changing and protecting.

This you must learn to do for yourself in order to 'save yourself' and thereby step into your own power.

As Mr. Goode has stated; 'You are the one you have been waiting for' and like our galactic family, I am here to help every step of the way.

I love you. 

Ari Stone

#HawaiiVolcano #Hawaii #HawaiiVolcanoEruption #ShamanicDreamVisions #Shaman #DreamWalker #DreamWalkerMagik #Magik #DreamVision #DreamVisions #DrMichaelSalla #CoreyGoode #MichaelSalla #SphereBeingAlliance #MilkyChance #Synchronicity #AncientWisdom #Love #TwinFlames #TwinFlame #Mysticism #StarTrek #HarryPotter #DClegendsofTomorrow

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